Celebrity for the week ending
Saturday, 6 September 2008

Nelly Moon (1850?-1907),
English music hall serio-comic and descriptive vocalist

Nelly Moon

Nelly Moon

(photo: The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Co Ltd, London, circa 1873)

'THE BEDFORD. - ''Natator's'' Benefit. . . .
'Mr. Harry Bird sang the ''Little wee dog'' with a sort of Tyrolean vocal accompaniment, and his efforts were evidently appreciated. Then came the dashing Nelly Moon. This lady, although not endowed with a very powerful voice, invests her songs with so much verve and with such a delightful amount of chic that we can hardly wonder at her popularity. She has, moreover, a magnificent wardrobe, and when she appears as Prince Bachelor she literally dazzles the eyes of all beholders. On this occasion in addition to a couple of songs, her admirers insisted on a hornpipe, which was given with consummate skill. . . .'
(The Era, London, Sunday, 22 December 1872, p. 4c)

Nelly Moon appears in pantomime at the Surrey Theatre, London, New Year, 1876
'At the Surrey Mr. Holland has given what he terms a "second edition" of his pantomime, Jack, the Giant-Killer, in which Miss Nelly Power, in the character of the hero, takes the place of Jennie Lee, now acting the part of Jo [in an adaptation of Dickens's Bleak House] at the Globe. A new cast has been given to the harlequinade, in which, for the first time, Harry Taylor acts as clown, James Fawn as policeman extraordinary, and Wattie Brunton as Pantaloon, harlequin being Miss Nelly Moon and Columbine being Miss Susie Vaughan.'
(The Illustrated London News, London, Saturday, 26 February 1876, p.211c)

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© John Culme, 2008