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no. 370

Saturday, 16 October 2004

The Flood
London Hippodrome, 1906,
with Bert Gilbert

The Flood

'Realism in the Arena:
The Flood, at the London Hippodrome.'

(photo: Campbell-Gray, London, 1906)

'The Flood is one of the most realistic of the numerous spectacles that have been produced at the London Hippodrome. "Three hundred thousand gallons of water sweep away the bridges, pull down the houses, and float away everything that will float; while terrified horses and oxen dash down the hillside and plunge into the lake; and men and women are swimming for their lives. A very exciting five minutes, and a very clever piece of invention" – so says the Times.
(The Sketch, London, Wednesday, 28 March 1906, p.347)

Bert Gilbert

Bert Gilbert (b.1873), English actor and comedian,
as 'Arry Wilkins in The Flood at the London Hippodrome.

(photo: Campbell-Gray, London, 1906)

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